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【亚杰商会 2011年会,选择友付作为会议收款平台】Yoopay.cn, China's first event payment platform, provides ticketing service for AAMA 2011 Annual Forum

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Asia America MultiTechnology Association (AAMA) 于1979年成立于美国硅谷,拥有的近万名会员大多是是互联网、无线技术、电信、计算机、半导体、软件、硬件、电子学和生物科技工业的核心人物。

AAMA2011年会《野蛮成长 vs 理性成长》将于12月17日在北京柏悦酒店举行,围绕企业的"成长"为主题,邀请经济学家陈志武先生,汉庭创始人季琦先生,长江商学院院长项兵先生等重量级嘉宾与会并发言。年会届时将有近千名来自海内外的创业者、大中型企业高层管理人员、金融投资家、管理咨询顾问等商业人士参加。


亚杰商会2011年会 详情及报名:https://yoopay.cn/pay/20111217
Yoopay.cn Provides Ticketing and Payment Service for AAMA 2011 Annual Forum in China
Asia America MultiTechnology Association (AAMA) is founded in Silicon Valley in 1979, and has a network of 10,000+ members from over 2,000 companies and chapters in Beijing, Shanghai and Seoul, AAMA's membership roster represents a diverse and influential spectrum of technology industries.

AAMA 2011 Annual Forum will be held on December 17 2011 at Park Hyatt in Beijing, with keynote speakers such as Mr. Chen Zhiwu, Professor of Finance at Yale University, Mr. Ji Qi, entreprenuer and founder of Ctrip and Hantin Hotels, Mr. Xiang Bin, Dean of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKBSG), and thousands of attendees.

Yoopay.cn is selected by the Forum to provide event online registration and payment service, and is the first platform that supports all major Chinese and international online payment methods, including China Union Pay (CUP), Alipay, Visa, Mastercard, and Paypal.
AAMA 2011 Annual Forum event: https://yoopay.cn/pay/20111217
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