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【友付 - 做活动 更轻松】会议及活动的线上报名、票务、推广及收款一站式平台 | China‘s Best Event Publishing, Promotion, Ticketing, Registration, and Payment Platform

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友付 是会议及活动的线上报名、推广、票务、收款一站式平台。20,000 多个会议及活动,在使用友付,包括大型国内及国际行业会议会展、企业内部培训、经销商、供应商会议,及各种社交、聚会、文体、培训、演出活动。
Yoopay is China's first event online management platform for event publishing, promotion, registration, and ticketing. Event organizers can also collect payments online in advance easily with dual currencies (RMB/USD) and dual languages (Chinese/English) via China Union Pay, Alipay, Visa, Mastercard, and Paypal. More than 20,000 domestic and international events, including conferences, exihibitions, forums, corporate and social events are using Yoopay for their events in China.
Easily create professional-looking event pages by yourself without needing to have graphic designers and software developers.
Easy to Use
One-stop platform for event publishing, promotion, ticketing, registration, and payment.
Sell More Tickets
Supports multiple ticketing options, promotional codes, group buying, dual languages, dual currencies, and all major Chinese and International payment methods.
用户评价 Customer Testimonial
凯宾斯基酒店集团 - 千人全球招聘日活动
Kempinski Hotel Group - 1,000 People Corporate Career Day Event
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"友付的线上报名注册功能,让我们可以提前确认参会者身份和需求!" - 西蒙·洛伊德,凯宾斯基酒店集团,全球人力资源总监
"Yoopay is exactly the solution I am looking for the large scale corporate event I am organizing in China! " - Simon Lloyd, Global Human Resource Director, Kempinski Hotel Group

北京股权投资基金协会 - 全球私募股权基金北京论坛
Beijing Private Equity Association - 4th Annual Global Private Equity Forum Beijing
北京股权投资基金协会 logo
"友付是中国第一个符合高端国际性会议线上报名、注册、票务要求的系统!" - 叶艳平,北京股权投资基金协会综合部副部长
"Yoopay helps to make our annual high profile and international event a success!" - Ye Yanping, Director of Operations, Beijing Private Equity Association

哈佛大学 - 北京校友会活动
Beijing Private Equity Association - 4th Annual Global Private Equity Forum Beijing
哈佛大学 logo
"友付让校友会的活动组织工作更轻松!" - 孙玉红,哈佛大学北京校友会, 副会长
"Using Yoopay really is effortless, and saved us a lot of work!" Frances Sun, Vice President, Harvard Alumni Club of Beijing

中国国家旅游局 - 中国国际旅游峰会
International Marketing Association - Go China Summit
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"友付让活动规模翻倍,收入也翻倍!" - 乔丹·巴菲尔德 国际旅游协会 副总裁
"Yoopay helped us to sell a lot more tickets for our event in China! " - Jordan Baronfield, Vice President, Go China Summit

国际创业家组织 - 北京演讲会
Entrepreneur Organization - Workshop Event
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"友付解决了收取国内及国际款项的问题,活动收入增加,工作减少! -魏思得,国际创业家协会,北京分会会长,北京爱见达广告公司创始人
"Yoopay is fantastic, worked flawless for the big international event I was organizing in China!" - Mike Wester, Founder and General Manager, Truerun Media

友付官网 Website: http://www.yoopay.cn 客服电话 Contact Phone: +86 400.0800.620
官方微博 Weibo: http://weibo.com/2137814425 客服电邮 Contact Email: service@yoopay.cn
友付:  做活动 更轻松 | 会议及活动的线上报名、推广、票务、收款一站式平台
Yoopay.cn:  China's Best Event Publishing, Promotion, Ticketing, Registration, and Payment Platform
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第四届全球PE北京论坛 | Registration Open for 4th Global Private Equity Beijing Forum, The Most Prestigious Event for Private Equity Investment in China

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让更多机会发现你 | Advance Your Career
经北京市政府批准,中国股权投资基金协会、北京市金融工作局、北京市海淀区人民政府、北京股权投资基金协会将于2012年2月26日在北京香格里拉饭店主办"第四届全球PE北京论坛" 。
"全球PE北京论坛"作为业界的一个高端品牌会议,已成功举办过三届。届时,一行三会、国家发改委、社保基金、北京市政府等部门领导,以及境内外顶级PE 业界领袖和境内外行业协会领导等嘉宾将齐聚北京,交流GP的管理经验,分享LP的投资心得,并就境内外PE行业监管与自律、中国PE市场的投资退出环境、 新兴的天使投资及被投企业的发展等业界热点话题展开深入讨论。
With the support of Beijing Municipal Government, The 4th Annual Global Private Equity Forum will be held in Beijing Shangri-La Hotel from February 25th - 26th. The Forum is co-organized by China Private Equity Association, Beijing Government Finance and Economics Bureau, Beijing Haidian District Government, and Beijing Private Equity Association, and has become a landmark event for top tier private equity investors around the globe.
The Forum will cover many important topics, such as GP and LP sourcing, Policy Directions, and Exit Strategies. The speakers and guests of the Forum are influential decision makers of and policy makers for China's private equity investment. Together their companies manage more than 4 trillion RMB (US$ 800 billion) in assets. This is a must-attend event if your company is interested learning about private equity investment in China. The confirmed speakers and guests include:
部分确认参会的领导及嘉宾 Partial List of Confirmed Speakers and Guests
吉林 北京市
赖小民 华融资产管理有限公司
刘明康 中国银监会
项俊波 中国保监会
戴相龙 全国社会保障基金会理事会
吉姆 布雷耶 加速合伙公司
熊晓鸽 IDG
赵令欢 弘毅投资
金立群 中国投资有限责任公司
吴尚志 鼎晖投资
方风雷 厚朴投资
阎焱 赛富亚洲
刘乐飞 中信产业投资基金
郭子德 新天域资本
单祥双 中科招商
Timothy C. Draper 德丰杰龙脉基金
田溯宁 中国宽带产业基金
李开复 创新工场
Mr. Ji Lin Deputy Major
Beijing Government
Mr. Lai XiaoMing President and CEO
China Huarong Asset Management
Mr. Liu MingKang Chairman Emeritus
China Banking Regulatory Commission
Mr. Xiang JunBo Chairman
China Insurance Regulatory Commission
Mr. Dai XiangLong Chairman
China Social Security Fund
Mr. Jin LiQun Chairman of Board of Supervisors
China Investment Corp.
Mr. Fang FengLei Chairman
Hopu Fund
Mr. Liu LeFei Chairman and CEO
Citic Private Equity
Mr. Shang XiangShuang Chairman
China Science and Merchant (CSM) Group
Mr. Zhao LingHuan CEO
Hony Capital
Mr. Wu Shangzhi Chairman
CDH Fund
Mr. Li KaiFu CEO
Innovation Works
Mr. Hugo Song Managing Partner
IDG Capital
Mr. Yan Yan Managing Partner
Softbank Asia Infrastructure Fund
Mr. Tian ShuoNing Managing Partner
China Broadband Fund
Mr. Jim Breyer Managing Partner
Accel Partners
Mr. Timothy C. Draper Manager Partner
DFJ Dragon Fund
Mr. Guo Zide Managing Director
New Horizon Capital
友付 为本次会议提供在线注册报名服务,会议议程及报名链接:https://yoopay.cn/event/bpea-forum-2012
恒知网 为本次会议指定的商务网络社区,恒知网用户参会享受 8折优惠
报名注册时请使用 折扣码: Hengzhi_BPEA_2012
Yoopay provides the online event registration service for the Forum, the Forum agenda detail and registration information can be found: https://yoopay.cn/event/bpea-forum-2012
Hengzhi is the exclusive online professional network for the Forum, Hengzhi users enjoy a 20% discount on the ticket price, when registering please use discount code: Hengzhi_BPEA_2012
   恒知网  |  中国新一代商务网络社区  |  网址: www.hengzhi.cc
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