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China's Hengzhi.cc Reaches 1.5 million Users, Quietly Becoming The Best Chinese Professional Network

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Join 1.5 million Business Professionals, Advance Your Career in China
1.5 million Chinese Professional Users
Hengzhi users come from top Chinese and international university alumni networks, including Tsinghua University, Beijing University, China European International School of Business, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, Havard University, MIT, Stanford, Yale, and Columbia. 1.5 million users include 100,000 CEO level business leaders and 400,000 mid tier management.
25,000 Management and Professional Jobs
Hengzhi users posted 25,000 management level and professional level jobs in finance, investment, legal, accounting, manufacturing, consumer goods, media, Internet, energy, mining, and other areas.
58,000 Industry and Market Research Reports
From Mary Meeker's "2012 Global Internet Trends", to Ministry of Science's "12th Five Year Plan for Wind Power", Hengzhi users shared valuable and insightful industry and market research reports.
Join now, and advance your career in China Join Now
Hengzhi.cc is China's first online professional network based on top university alumni networks, and is becoming the platform of choice for Chinese business professional users.
   恒知网  |  中国新一代商务网络社区  |  网址: www.hengzhi.cc
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