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【发展中国家经济如何腾飞 - 与林毅夫、沈联涛面对面】《繁荣的求索》新书见面会, 11月12日, 上海外滩三号 | How Developing Economies Can Take Off - Face to Face with Justin Yifu Lin and Andrew Sheng, November 12, Three On the Bund, Shanghai

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【发展中国家经济如何腾飞 - 与林毅夫、沈联涛面对面】《繁荣的求索》新书见面会, 11月12日, 上海外滩三号 | How Developing Economies Can Take Off - Face to Face with Justin Yifu Lin and Andrew Sheng, November 12, Three On the Bund, Shanghai
林毅夫将讨论他的新书的主题,发展中国家如何发展它们的经济? 多数焦点集中在贫穷世界如何向发达国家学习。在《繁荣的求索》一书中,林毅夫——首位来自非西方的世界银行首席经济学家--则侧重探讨发展中国家在现有基础上如何做的更好。
Justin Lin will speak about the topic of his new book. How can developing countries grow their economies? Most answers to this question center on how the poor world learns from the rich world. In "The Quest for Prosperity", Justin Lin--the first non-Westerner to be chief economist of the World Bank--focuses on what developing nations can do well based on what they have.
名额有限,请从速报名 马上报名
Justin Yifu Lin
Justin Lin is founding director and professor of the China Centre for Economic Research atPekingUniversity. From 2008 to 2012, he served as chief economist and senior vice president of the World Bank. His many books include Demystifying the Chinese Economy, Economic Development and Transition,and Benti and Changwu: Dialogues on Methodology in Economics. He is a corresponding fellow of the British Academy, and a fellow of the World Academy of Sciences for the Developing World.
Co-Chair Andrew Sheng
President, Fung Global Institute
Adviser to the ChinaBanking Regulatory Commission Securities
Member of the International Advisory Council
of the China Investment Corporation, the China Development Bank
   恒知网  |  中国新一代商务网络社区  |  网址: www.hengzhi.cc
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邮件ID 63242820


【报名即将结束】创造社会进步资本 - 中国首届社会效应投资论坛,11月2日,北京 | Creating Social Change Capital - The 1st China Social Investiment Forum, November 2nd, Beijing

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首届中国社会效应投资论坛,11月2日,北京 | The First China Social Investment Forum, Nov 2, Beijing
在收入差距不断增大的同时,作为世界第一人口大国,中国也做好了成为世界第一经济大国的准备。在此背景下,爱维稳特公司将于2012年11月2日在北京举办首届中国社会投资论坛 。
  • 主题演讲:万通集团主席冯仑先生发表对企业如何创造社会进步资本的看法;
  • 全体讨论:中国杰出商界领袖将与与投资者,就如何追求财务收益以及社会收益进行讨论;
  • 全体讨论:与各个投资公司,基金会和家族企业讨论如何理解和投资社会投资项目;
  • 企业展示:来自6个不同领域的社会企业将向参会者展示他们的成果
  • 发现中国及亚洲的投资机会,既能惠及社会,又能带来可观的收益
  • 同知名社会企业家和社会企业专业人士交流互动
  • 结识中国及亚洲地区的知名企业家,并获悉第一手的投资机会
  • 同全球其他志同道合的社会投资者建立关系网络
报名即将结束,请从速报名 马上报名
Chandran Nair
Tai Sook Yee
Nicolas Hazard
Groupe SOS
Annie Chen
River Star Group
James Chen
Legacy Advisors
09:00 - 09:10 致欢迎辞
李怡然, 爱维稳特创立者兼首席执行官
09:15 - 09:45 第一主题演讲: 企业创造社会进步资本
Chandran Nair, 爱维稳特创立者兼主席
09:50 -10:20 第二主题演讲: 社会创新及投资的面向
冯仑, 万通集团主席
10:20 - 10:35 茶歇
10:35 - 12:05 嘉宾讨论: 投资 * 影响 * 社会

主持人: 何振红, 《中国企业家》杂志社社长

茅于轼, 北京天则经济研究所所长
叶东, 青云创投创始管理合伙人
Chandran Nair, 爱维稳特创立者兼主席
王曙光, 北京大学经济学院教授
12:05 - 13:30 午膳
13:30 - 14:45 嘉宾讨论: 企业与企业社会责任


张晓东, 远大集团主席
Tai Sook Yee, 万邦集团首席执行官
张毓平, 甘肃现代草业发展有限公司董事长
盛瑞金, GDF Suez集团中国地区首席代表
14:45 - 15:00 茶歇
15:00 - 16:15 嘉宾讨论: 基金会对于社会投资的见解与影响

主持人: 程刚, 中国基金会中心网总裁

徐永光, 南都公益基金会理事长
丁靖怡, LGT公益创投基金会中国区投资经理
Nicolas Hazard, Groupe SOS 副主席
沈东曙, 北京富平学校校长
16:15 - 16:30 茶歇
16:30 - 17:45 嘉宾讨论: 家族企业及个人与社会投资

主持人: 李文,民生银行私人银行事业部副总裁

Annie Chen, River Star Group董事
James Chen, Legacy Advisors创立者
Hong Nguyen, Asia Capital Enterprises 首席执行官
张瑞霖, 滴水基金會创立者
18:00 - 18:10 闭幕致辞
李怡然, 爱维稳特创立者兼首席执行官
13:30 - 14:45 讨论: 社会企业与人本服务

主持人: 周尚颐博士, 爱维稳特市场推广主管

黄兰紫, 乐朗乐读创立者兼主席
沈东曙, 北京富平学校校长
张书平, 大邑县富平小额贷款公司副董事长
14:45 - 15:00 茶歇
15:00 - 16:15 讨论: 社会企业与环保发展

主持人: 周尚颐博士, 爱维稳特市场推广主管

张涛, 中国影响力基金联合创始人及董事总经理
16:15 - 16:30 茶歇
16:30 - 17:15 中国社会效应投资者圆桌会议 (非对外公开)
   恒知网  |  中国新一代商务网络社区  |  网址: www.hengzhi.cc
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邮件ID 62737111


Networking with China's Future Business Leaders - Hengzhi 2012 University Alumni Ball, Saturday, November 10th, Ritz Carlton Beijing

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Hengzhi 2012 University Alumni Ball, Saturday, November 10th, Ritz Carlton Beijing
中文版 请见 yoopay.cn/event/autumn2012
Hengzhi 2012 University Alumni Ball
You are invited to Hengzhi 2012 University Alumni Ball
Saturday November 10th at Ritz Carlton, Beijing CBD
Hengzhi www.hengzhi.cc - China's leading business and professional network.
2 million users from top Chinese and international university alumni networks.
Come and mingle with the young and talented future business leaders.
Live band performing great jazz and retro music, and DJ spinning techno beats.
Spectacular prizes from lucky draws, and opportunities to show off your talents!
Ball Schedule
Host Phoenix TV Hostess
19:00 - 19:30 Registration
19:30 - 19:45 Opening Presentation - "The Making of the Chinese Professional Network"
19:45 - 20:00 Guest Speaker
20:00 - 20:30 Talent Show ( If you would like to show off your talent,  please contact us )

1. "Jazz Latin" - Lanxi Female Dance Group
2. "The Sound of Ocean" - Sandra Chen (Taiwan)

20:30 - 23:00 Ball

Interactive Session and Lucky Draw

Charity Auction - Chi Heng Foundation

Live Music by the Music Box Band

Registration Ends Soon
Registration Link:https://yoopay.cn/event/autumn2012en
Register Now
Lucky draw prizes provided by Zanadu, Four Seasons Hotel, and Lufthansa
3 Nights at Koh Samui, Thailand 2 Nights at Four Seasons Hotel 2 Tickets to Europe
More surprises at the Ball provided by HTDT.Gold, Orange Cinemas, and others
Particpants From Last Ball
Organizations: Western Returned Scholars Association, Young Venture Capitalist Club, Financial Ball Club of Beijing
Alumni: Tsinghua University, Peking University, Renmin University of China, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CEIBS, CKGSB, Fudan University, Nankai University, Zhejiang University, Wuhan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Nanjing University, Hong Kong University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Beijing Normal University, Beijing Jiaotong University, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, MIT, University of Chicago, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, Columbia University, Boston University, UC Berkeley, University of Toronto, York University, Oxford University, Cambridge University, Waseda University, Keio University, and etc.
Companies: MOFCOM, NDRC, CSRC, China Investment Corporation, CICC, China CITIC Bank, CMCC, China Unicom, CNPC, CNOOC, COFCO, Baic Group, BOC International, CDB International, China Life, Ping An Insurance, Ampang Insurance, Taikang Life, GeneralI China Life Insurance , CITIC Capital, Bank of China, ICBC, China Construction Bank, Bank of Communications, Agricultural Bank, China Minsheng Bank, China Merchants Bank, Carlyle Capital, Blackstone Capital, SSG Capital, BlackRock Capital, Temasek, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch , Deutsche Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, UBS SDIC, Credit Suisse, Sequoia Capital, Matrix Partners China, China Renaissance, KKR, CRCI, Hony Capital, SAIF, Warburg Pincus , CDH Investments , Bain Capital, Hillhouse Capital, Baring Private Equity Asia, Cerberus Capital, Fountain Vest Partners, Investor AB, Texas Pacific Group, Actis Capital LLP , Ping An Group, Fosun Group, Dalian Wanda Group, Vantone Group, Reignwood Group, Baidu, Tencent , Sina, Alibaba, Lenovo, Dell, IBM, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Bayer, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, P & G, Caixin, CBN, WSJ, FT, Ogilvy&Mather, Baker & McKenzie, King and Wood Mallesons, Jun He Law Offices, Hanergy Holding Group, DTT, PWC, KPMG, E & Y, and etc.
Food & Drink: Soft drinks, wine, liquor, and canapé food are provided.
Be the Star! Want to be the Star of the night? Show off your singing, dancing, or other talents!
Let us know!      Phone: 010-8599-9418      Email: event@hengzhi.cc
Tickets: ¥500 (2 persons or more)
¥800 (After October 19th)
*Online Registration ONLY
Sponsorship: Contact:Simon Zhang
Email: simon@hengzhi.cc
Mobile: 136.0129.5764
Partners: Hengzhi 2012 University Alumni Ball, Saturday, November 10th, Ritz Carlton Beijing
   恒知网  |  中国新一代商务网络社区  |  网址: www.hengzhi.cc
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邮件ID 62278358


【上海交大-马赛国际双学位EMBA开放日:领导力课程解读】 10月31日,上海 Zhou Club

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时  间: 2012年10月31日(周三),下午18:30 - 20:30
地  点: Zhou Club,华山路1100弄13号
语  言: 中文
费  用: 100元(包含主食,精美点心和软饮)
主  题: 上海交大-法国马赛商学国际EMBA领导力课程解读
议  程:
18:30 – 19:00 嘉宾签到,名片互换,会前沟通 (请携带商务名片)
19:00 – 19:10 项目介绍
19:10 – 19:30 EMBA领导力课程解读
  李佩华女士 上海交大-马赛商学院AEMBA项目主任
19:00 – 20:00 校友分享
  郭海晨先生,上海交大-法国马赛商学院EMBA 08级校友, 海智汇创始人
  张颖女士, 上海交大-法国马赛商学院EMBA 11级校友, 福布斯中国, 董事总经理
20:00 – 20:30 Q&A
主题介绍: 位居高位的企业管理者, 就是真正的领导者吗?答案当然是否定的,根据过去10年的EMBA教学实践,我们深切体会到: 中国的企业家和高管们在领导力方面还需要更大的提升! 因此,从2012年起,上海交大-马赛商学院EMBA进一步加强领导力模块,以领导力为主线,围绕管理理论和方法论模块、跨文化国际视野与理念模块、商业 模式创新模块展开,培养融合东西方智慧的领导者。学员将通过评估、学习、体验、发展四个阶段,在教授以及教练一对一的个性化教学环境中,融汇贯通东西方领 导力的精髓! 今天的开放日,我们将以解读加校友分享的形式,为大家展示上海交大-法国马赛商学院极具特色和务实的课程设置和领导力培养计划。
AEMBA由上海交大安泰经济与管理学院和法国十大精英商学院之一的马赛商学院合作成立。其旗下拥有交大-马赛国际双学位EMBA和国际MBA两大项目。 国际MBA至2002年成立以来已成功举办9届,共吸引近700多名中高级经理人参加。2008年,由两校共同举办的双学位EMBA正式启动,切实回应公 司领导者与高级部门经理提升战略性思维,扩展国际化视野的迫切需求。
    · 唯一的中外高校均获得AACSB,EQUIS和AMBA三大国际认证的EMBA 项目
    · 全球排名第48位《金融时报》(2012)
    · 双学位EMBA,提升领导者国内与国际个人品牌
    · 令人振奋的学习体验,通过三大支柱切实解决学生的战略项目
    · 双语教学,同声传译帮助理解专业课程
    · 高端校友网络,构筑跨行业的高端沟通平台
国际MBA (投资与金融、全球管理、人才领导力、品牌与创新 四大专业方向)
    · 注重个人发展,通过专家指导制定经理人中长期职业发展规划,从容迈向事业巅峰
    · 彰显专业特色,弥补知识的结构性短缺
    · 全程英文授课,不出国门接受国际一流师资教诲,管理知识、英语水平双提高
    · 加入名校网络,精英荟萃,海阔天空,谈笑风生,轻松搭建崭新人脉关系
    · 荣享终身教育,MBA 课程之后,仍可免费参加更多权威讲座,了解最新业界动态
    · 名校MBA 学位,国内唯一中外双方均获得三大国际认证的中外合作项目。
电话:021–52301598 52301653 杨老师
   恒知网  |  中国新一代商务网络社区  |  网址: www.hengzhi.cc
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邮件ID 61867930


An Evening with Top Chinese and International University Alumnus - Hengzhi 2012 University Alumni Ball, November 10th, Beijing, Ritz Carlton

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Hengzhi 2012 University Alumni Ball, Saturday, November 10th, Ritz Carlton Beijing
中文版 请见 yoopay.cn/event/autumn2012
Hengzhi 2012 University Alumni Ball
You are invited to Hengzhi 2012 University Alumni Ball
Saturday November 10th at Ritz Carlton, Beijing CBD
Hengzhi www.hengzhi.cc - China's leading business and professional network.
2 million users from top Chinese and international university alumni networks.
Come and mingle with young, talented, and sexy, who will run the corporate China.
Live band performing great jazz and retro music, and DJ spinning techno beats.
Spectacular prizes from lucky draws, and opportunities to show off your talents!
Ball Schedule
Host Phoenix TV Hostess
19:00 - 19:30 Registration
19:30 - 19:45 Opening Presentation - "The Making of the Chinese Professional Network"
19:45 - 20:00 Guest Speaker - TBD
20:00 - 20:30 Talent Show ( If you would like to show off your talent,  please contact us )

1. "Jazz Latin" - Lanxi Female Dance Group
2. "The Sound of Ocean" - Sandra Chen (Taiwan)

20:30 - 23:00 Ball

Interactive Session and Lucky Draw

Charity Auction - Chi Heng Foundation

Live Band and DJ

Early Bird Pricing Ends Soon Register Now
Particpants From Last Ball
Organizations: Western Returned Scholars Association, Young Venture Capitalist Club, Financial Ball Club of Beijing
Alumni: Tsinghua University, Peking University, Renmin University of China, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CEIBS, CKGSB, Fudan University, Nankai University, Zhejiang University, Wuhan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Nanjing University, Hong Kong University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Beijing Normal University, Beijing Jiaotong University, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, MIT, University of Chicago, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, Columbia University, Boston University, UC Berkeley, University of Toronto, York University, Oxford University, Cambridge University, Waseda University, Keio University, and etc.
Companies: MOFCOM, NDRC, CSRC, China Investment Corporation, CICC, China CITIC Bank, CMCC, China Unicom, CNPC, CNOOC, COFCO, Baic Group, BOC International, CDB International, China Life, Ping An Insurance, Ampang Insurance, Taikang Life, GeneralI China Life Insurance , CITIC Capital, Bank of China, ICBC, China Construction Bank, Bank of Communications, Agricultural Bank, China Minsheng Bank, China Merchants Bank, Carlyle Capital, Blackstone Capital, SSG Capital, BlackRock Capital, Temasek, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch , Deutsche Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, UBS SDIC, Credit Suisse, Sequoia Capital, Matrix Partners China, China Renaissance, KKR, CRCI, Hony Capital, SAIF, Warburg Pincus , CDH Investments , Bain Capital, Hillhouse Capital, Baring Private Equity Asia, Cerberus Capital, Fountain Vest Partners, Investor AB, Texas Pacific Group, Actis Capital LLP , Ping An Group, Fosun Group, Dalian Wanda Group, Vantone Group, Reignwood Group, Baidu, Tencent , Sina, Alibaba, Lenovo, Dell, IBM, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Bayer, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, P & G, Caixin, CBN, WSJ, FT, Ogilvy&Mather, Baker & McKenzie, King and Wood Mallesons, Jun He Law Offices, Hanergy Holding Group, DTT, PWC, KPMG, E & Y, and etc.
Food & Drink: Soft drinks, wine, liquor, and canapé food are provided.
Be the Star! Want to be the Star of the night? Show off your singing, dancing, or other talents!
Let us know!      Phone: 010-8599-9418      Email: event@hengzhi.cc
Tickets: ¥500 (2 persons or more)
¥600 (Before September 20th)
¥800 (After October 19th)
Sponsorship: Contact:Simon Zhang
Email: simon@hengzhi.cc
Mobile: 136.0129.5764
Partners: Hengzhi 2012 University Alumni Ball, Saturday, November 10th, Ritz Carlton Beijing
   恒知网  |  中国新一代商务网络社区  |  网址: www.hengzhi.cc
本邮件是发给 lonelysean1.blogger@blogger.com | This email is intended for lonelysean1.blogger@blogger.com
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邮件ID 1373478