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【发展中国家经济如何腾飞 - 与林毅夫、沈联涛面对面】《繁荣的求索》新书见面会, 11月12日, 上海外滩三号 | How Developing Economies Can Take Off - Face to Face with Justin Yifu Lin and Andrew Sheng, November 12, Three On the Bund, Shanghai

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【发展中国家经济如何腾飞 - 与林毅夫、沈联涛面对面】《繁荣的求索》新书见面会, 11月12日, 上海外滩三号 | How Developing Economies Can Take Off - Face to Face with Justin Yifu Lin and Andrew Sheng, November 12, Three On the Bund, Shanghai
林毅夫将讨论他的新书的主题,发展中国家如何发展它们的经济? 多数焦点集中在贫穷世界如何向发达国家学习。在《繁荣的求索》一书中,林毅夫——首位来自非西方的世界银行首席经济学家--则侧重探讨发展中国家在现有基础上如何做的更好。
Justin Lin will speak about the topic of his new book. How can developing countries grow their economies? Most answers to this question center on how the poor world learns from the rich world. In "The Quest for Prosperity", Justin Lin--the first non-Westerner to be chief economist of the World Bank--focuses on what developing nations can do well based on what they have.
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Justin Yifu Lin
Justin Lin is founding director and professor of the China Centre for Economic Research atPekingUniversity. From 2008 to 2012, he served as chief economist and senior vice president of the World Bank. His many books include Demystifying the Chinese Economy, Economic Development and Transition,and Benti and Changwu: Dialogues on Methodology in Economics. He is a corresponding fellow of the British Academy, and a fellow of the World Academy of Sciences for the Developing World.
Co-Chair Andrew Sheng
President, Fung Global Institute
Adviser to the ChinaBanking Regulatory Commission Securities
Member of the International Advisory Council
of the China Investment Corporation, the China Development Bank
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