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Fonfon.cn Launched - Buy and Sell Quality Pre-Owned Merchandise in China: Cars, Tickets, Membership Cards, Furniture, etc ...

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Buy and Sell Quality Pre-Owned Merchandise in China
Cars, Tickets, Membership Cards, Cellphones, Bags, Watches, Furniture, etc …
Simple, Easy, and Secure
■ Easy Publishing Quickly publish item to Web and Mobile, easily share on WeChat and other social networks
■ Buyer Protection Transaction funds in escrow, protect both sellers and buyers
■ Secure Payment RMB & USD: China Union Pay, Alipay, Wechat Pay, Visa、MaserCard、AMEX、PayPal

  About Fonfon.cn
Fonfon.cn mission is to help users buy and sell their pre-owned quality merchandise.
Pre-owned item include: cars, books, tickets, cards, cell phones, watches, bikes, golf clubs, antiques. Well, almost anything.
Users can easily publish their items, on both Web and Mobile, share to social networks, and buy and sell quickly and securely.
Fonfon.cn is headquartered in Beijing, China, with offices in Shanghai and Hong Kong.
Scan and Sell
  Sell Now
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