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Lanhu Health Partners with United Family Healthcare (UFH) Group, Launching China's First Online Healthcare Insurance Platform for Entrepreneurs!

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蓝Lanhu Health Partners with United Family Hospital (UFH) Group, Launching China's First Online Healthcare Insurance Platform for Entrepreneurs!
About United Family Healthcare
United Family Healthcare (UFH) is a pioneering, international-standard health system providing comprehensive, integrated healthcare in a uniquely warm, caring, patient service-oriented environment.

Since 1997, UFH has led the way in private international healthcare in China. After almost two decades, UFH has established itself in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuxi, Tianjin, Qingdao, and now Mongolia as the provider of choice for those seeking premium, personalized healthcare. UFH is constantly striving to meet and exceed worldwide service quality and patient safety standards. This level of quality is evidenced at our international hospital facilities, which together with our 14 satellite clinics and medical centers comprise China's complete, pioneering system of Joint Commission International (JCI) accredited facilities.

About Lanhu Health
Lanhu Health is the first mutual health insurance for entrepreneurs. Lanhu Health is designed with the same principle: simple and smart health insurance for entrepreneurs, their families, and their employees.
Lanhu Health will provide the following services to its members:
International Hospitals, Clinics, and Doctors
  Lanhu's network of hospitals and clinics are internationally accredited, with experience doctors, nurses, and professional services staff, to ensure members receive high quality healthcare.
Lower Cost
  Technology platform reduces overhead and admin cost
Insurance Plan that Encourages Healthy Lifestyle
  Lanhu encourages members to go to gym, quit smoking, pay attention to diet, and maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Members accumulate health points for each activity, which will lower their health insurance premium.

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