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RE: Data Insights of AngaCom 2018 Attendees List





Just following up. I know you're busy. Just give me a 1,2 or 3


1. Send samples, data counts and pricing.

2. I could potentially use your solution, but in future.

3. Leave me alone, stalker.



Mamie Ford


From: Mamie Ford [mailto:Mamie.Ford@businesleadz.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 9:57 AM
To: 'lonelysean1.blogger@blogger.com'
Subject: Data Insights of AngaCom 2018 Attendees List




Countdown to the Show by putting your brand front and center with the most engaged buyers at AngaCom 2018, so would be interested in International Showcase (AngaCom) Attendees List 2018?


Attendees: Network Operators, Manufacturers, Service Providers, Content Providers, Consultants, Authorities.


Let me know your thoughts and target I can get back with counts and pricing details.


Look forward to hear from you soon.



Mamie Ford


