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China Capital, Global Growth - 2012 China Global Outbound Investment Summit, June 14-15, Kerry Hotel, Beijing

2012 China Global Outbound Investment Summit
2012 China Global Outbound Investment Summit
June 14 - 15, Kerry Hotel, Beijing
New Opportunities The world's economy is transitioning from the "Twin-Engine" model, where the Chinese manufacturing and US/European consumption are the key drivers, to the "Multi-Engine" model, where the Chinese investment and global consumption are the key drivers. As Chinese companies are going global, what are the new global investment opportunities ?
New Policies What are the new policies from People's Bank of China (PBOC), National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), State Administration of Foreign Reserve (SAFE), and commercial banks to support the Chinese companies' outbound investment?
New Influence Top tier national and international finance medias, including CCTV, Caxin Media, 21 Century Economics, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg, Euromoney, Barron's, Institutional Investors are to cover the Summit, providing a influential platform for the delegates and speakers to raise their profiles in China and internationally.
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Web Site: http://www.china-enterprise-forum.com/en
Tele From Overseas: +86 10 8599 7383
Tele From China: 400 0800 649
In 2011, China global outbound investment and M&A grows to US$ 43 billion, a 12% growth year over year, compassing energy, mining, agriculture, infrastructure, financial services, auto, luxury brands, high-end manufacturing, pharmaceutics, medical, health care, real estates, and high-end travel properties in 28 fields and 52 countries. At the same time, the assets under management of China Investment Corp (CIC) reaches US$ 400 billion, and China's national foreign-exchange reserve grow to US$ 3.1 trillion, making China the No. 1 in foreign reserve.
With the support from SASAC (State-Owned Assets Administration and Supervision Commission of State Council) and MOFCOM (Ministry of Commerce), China Enterprise Forum will hold 2012 China Global Outbound Investment Summit on June 14-15, at Kerry Hotel in Beijing. The theme of the Summit is "China Capital, Global Growth", where more than 600 distinguished guests and attendees from the government and academia, top 500 China SOE (State Owned Enterprise), financial institutions, investment funds, and private companies, as well as international investment banks, law firms, accounting firms, and other service providers, are expected to discuss topics such as "The Globalization of Chinese Enterprise", "New Policies on Banking, Finance, and Private Equity", "How to Manage and Integrate an International Business", "New Opportunities in Global Mining and Energy Investment"
The expected attendees include:
  • 200 Chinese SOEs, Financial Institutions, Investment Funds, and Private Companies that are actively looking for outbound investment opportunities;
  • 100 Outbound Investment Opportunities, from US, EU, Australia, Canada, Russia, South America, Africa, in infrastructure, energy, clean tech, mining, agriculture, financial services, luxury brands, real estates, mobile communications, high tech, pharmaceutics, medical, health care;
  • 100 International Top Tier investment bank, law firms, accounting firms, consulting companies, public communications companies, and other service providers.
 Deal Exhibition
The Summit will compile and publish "The Deal Book for 2012 China Global Outbound Investment".  
Half a day on the event agenda is reserved for the "The Deal Exhibition", where the qualifies companies can set up exhibition booths and introduce their companies, opportunities and services to the Summit attendees.
 Deal Database
The Deal Book is also an online database and the ultimate guide to Chinese investors looking for outbound investment opportunities. The database will be updated continuously so the Chinese investors, international sellers, and service providers can search and access the database in real time online.
Get your company listed in the Deal Book is the best way to reach Chinese Investors, international investment opportunities, and global service providers!
 Awards Ceremony
The Summit will select and award "2012 China Global Outbound Investment Awards". The awards will be publicized via CCTV and other premier domestic and international finance medias.
The Awards category include:
  • Best Outbound Investment Case
  • Best Outbound Merger Case
  • Best Globalized Company
  • Best Private Equity Fund
  • Best Investment Bank
  • Best Offshore Bank
  • Best Law Firm
  • Best Consulting Firm
  • Best Accounting Firm
  • Best Public Communication Firm
 Summit Past Guest Speakers
Cheng Siwei Vice Chairman National People's Congress
Chen Deming Minister MOFCOM
Wang Yong Chairman SASAC
Chen Yuan Chairman China Development Bank
Dai Xianglong Chairman Social Security Fund
Fu Chengyu Chairman Sinopec Group
Liu Zhenya Chairman State Grid
Liu Deshu Chairman Sinochem Group
Xu Lejiang Chairman Baosteel Group
Ning Gaoning Chairman COFCO
Yi Gang Vice President Bank of China
Gao Xiqing Vice Chairman CIC
Zhang Yichen CEO CITIC Capital
John Zhao Founder & CEO Hony Capital
Liu Zhenya Chairman State Grid
Mary Ma Chairman Boyu Capital
Ren Zhengfei Chairman Huawei
Dong Mingzhu Chairman Gree Electric
John Quelch Associate Dean CEIBS
John Kronick Chairman for North Asia Ogilvy Group
Gordon Orr Chairman of Asia McKinsey
Jim Hildebrandt Managing Partner Bain Capital
Stephen Roach Asian Chairman Morgan Stanley
 Summit Partners
   China Enterprise Forum  | Offical Web Site: www.china-enterprise-forum.com/en | Phone:+86 400 0800 649
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