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Connect with Top Chinese SOEs, Private Companies, and Investment Funds - 2012 China Global Outbound Investment Summit, June 14-15th, Kerry Hotel, Beijing

2012 China Global Outbound Investment Summit
2012 China Global Outbound Investment Summit
June 14 - 15, Kerry Hotel, Beijing
Wanda Group US$2.6 Billion acquires US based AMC group
Wanda Group, China's largest entertainment company, agreed to acquire 100% of US based AMC group for US$ 2.6 billion from a group of private equity funds, including Apollo Capital, JP Morgan Partners, and Bain Capital. This is the largest M&A deal to date in US lead by a Chinese company.

Bright Food US$ 1.9 Billion  invests in UK based Weetabix
Bright Food, China's largest privately owned food and beverage company, agreed to acquire 60% of UK based Weetabix for US$ 1.9 billion from UK based Lion Capital. This is the largest Chinese outbound M&A deal in food and beverage industry.

Shanghai International Group (SIG) raises RMB 50 billion Outbound FOF
Sailing Capital International is China's first RMB fund-of-fund (FOF) focuses on outbound investment. The limited partners include Shanghai International Group, SOEs, and Commercial Banks. The first close is RMB 50 billion and can potentially scale to RMB 150 billion (US$25 billion).

The Must Attend Event for China Outbound Investment Professionals
Connect With 200 State Owned Enterprises (SOE), Private Companies, and Investment Funds that are actively looking for outbound investment opportunities.
Register Now
Registration Closes Soon, Register Now!
Web Site: http://www.china-enterprise-forum.com/en
Tele From Overseas: +86 10 8599 7383
Tele From China: 400 0800 649
Participating Companies and Organizations (Partial List)
State Owned Enterprises
China Petrochemical
Sinochem Group
Baosteel Group Co., Ltd.
State Grid
National Development Bank
China Railway Construction
China Resources
China Construction Bank
China National Gold Group
China Datang Corporation
HNA Group
China Merchants Bank
China Minsheng Bank
Tsingtao Brewery Co., Ltd.
Private Enterprises
Lenovo Group
Sany Group
Huawei Technologies
Forsun Group
Wanda Group
Gree Electric
TCL Group
Hairer Group
Theng Heavy Engeering
Mengniu Dairy
Wahaha Group
Weichai Power
Alibaba Group
UF Software
Bright Dairy & Food
Huiyuan Group
Meters Bornwe
Aigo Entrepreneurs Alliance
Funds, Investiment Banks, Service Companies
China Investment Co., Ltd.
China Asean Investment Fund
CITIC Capital
Hony Capital
Anbang Insurance
Kings & Woods
Bain Capital
Morgan Stanley
Deutsche Bank
Standard Bank
Carlyle Group
JP Morgan
Ernst & Young
 Summit Partners:
   中国企业全球发展论坛  | 官方网址: www.china-enterprise-forum.com | 咨询电话:+86 400 0800 649
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