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【中欧国际工商学院讲座】领导创新 - 领导力的挑战? 12月3日 星期二,上海新天地安达仕酒店 | Leading Innovation - The Leadership Challenge? Dec 3rd, Andaz Shanghai Xintiandi

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CEIBS cordially invites you to a free Master Class in Shanghai on Tuesday, December 3rd 2013, presented by Professor Paddy Miller, professor of management at CEIBS, an authority on leading innovation in global organizations.

- The role of the "Innovation Architect" – a leader who creates the environment and culture in which employees can innovate.
- Insights into the challenges of being a successful "Innovation Architect"
- Five common mistakes that leaders make in the transition to being an "Innovation Architect"

Join this Master Class for a rare opportunity to hear a CEIBS professor address these issues in an engaging session.

Date: Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013, 18:30-20:30
Venue: Andaz Shanghai Xintiandi (88 Songshan Road)  MAP
Speaker: Professor Paddy Miller, Professor of Management at CEIBS
Language: English

The event is free but registration is required. Please register now or directly contact Mr. Morris Hu at hmorris@ceibs.edu or 86-21-28905699 before Nov 30th.

About the Speaker
Dr. Paddy Miller is Professor of Management at CEIBS. He is an authority on leading innovation in global organizations. His approach to researching innovation has been to take a longitudinal perspective to organizational transition as innovation is embedded in the culture. He defined the attributes of the Innovation Architect recently in a co-authored book Innovation as Usual published by Harvard Business Review Publishing in 2013. More

About CEIBS Global EMBA
CEIBS Global EMBA Programme is designed for international and Chinese senior executives who are leading globalization efforts to gain solid management skills, cross-cultural experience, a broader perspective, and a network that spans both China and the globe. It's a 20 month programme where students meet once a month, from Thursday to Sunday.

As a China-based international business school with a world-class faculty that focuses on integrating Western management theory with a Chinese context, CEIBS is a privileged gateway to the elite business networks . Ranked #10 worldwide by the Financial Times in 2013, CEIBS prepares you to succeed not only in China but across cultures and continents!

  China Europe International Business School (699 Hongfeng Rd, Pudong, Shanghai, 201206, PRC)
T: 86 21 2890 5699  F: 86 21 2890 5108  E: gemba@ceibs.edu www.ceibs.edu/emba
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