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【中欧国际工商学院活动 | 上海】2014EMBA国际班招生接待日 Sign up now for CEIBS Global EMBA Info Session on April 11

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2014全球EMBA说明会,4月11日,中欧国际工商学院 上海园区 | CEIBS Global EMBA 2014 Information Session, April 11, CEIBS Shanghai Campus
CEIBS Global Executive MBA is a part-time 20-month programme with a strong focus on managerial issues coupled with leadership development and coaching sessions.

• Develop a global mindset for leadership roles
• Strategic talent development with cross functional knowledge
• Accredited by EQUIS of Europe and AACSB of the US
• Ranked #10 worldwide by the Financial Times (October 2013)
Info Session on April 11 in Shanghai Camnpus Register Now
Seats Are Limited, Please Register Now
Programme at a Glance
• 20 month programme (September – April)
• 4 days a month (Thursday – Sunday)
• 13 core modules
• 5 electives (more if you wish)
• 4 overseas modules
(US, Europe, Japan and Korea)
• 1 group project
2011-2013 Global EMBA Class Profile
Average Age 39
Average Years of Work Experience 15
Average Years of Management Experience 9
Countries / Regions Represented 21
International Participants 37%
Female Participants 24%
Master's Degree or Above 38%

The 2014 class will start their journey in September 2014 in Shanghai. If you're interested in joining an exceptional class of talented executives, we are ready to guide you through the application process. For more details, please visit our website, email gemba@ceibs.edu or call (8621)-2890 5699.

CEIBS is a world leading business school in China and the only Asia-based business school that has achieved top-tier global rankings for its MBA, EMBA and Executive Education Programmes. It operates a main campus in Shanghai, another campus in Beijing, and a representative office and teaching facilities in Shenzhen.

China Europe International Business School (699 Hongfeng Rd, Pudong, Shanghai, 201206, PRC)
T: +86 21 2890 5699 / F:+86 21 2890 5108 / E: gemba@ceibs.edu
www.ceibs.edu/emba Copyright©2014, CEIBS EMBA. All rights reserved.
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