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China ASEAN Investment Fund, Aigo Global Entrepreneur Alliance, and Other Organizations to Attend 2012 China Global Outbound Investment Summit, June 14-15, Kerry Hotel, Beijing

2012 China Global Outbound Investment Summit
2012 China Global Outbound Investment Summit
June 14 - 15, Kerry Hotel, Beijing
China Asean Investment Fund
China Asean Investment Fund ("CAF") is China's second sovereign fund authorized by China's State Council and was announced by premier Wen Jiaobo at Boao Asia Forum. With the first close of US$ 1 billion and a target of US$ 10 billion, CAF focuses on investment opportunities in infrastructure, energy and natural resources in the ASEAN region and China, and has invested in Lao's largest potash mine, Tailand's largest sea port, and Cambodia's national fiber optic network.
Aigo Global Entrepreneur Alliance
Aigo Global Entrepreneur Alliance was established in March 2011 by Aigo Group chairman and CEO Feng Jun, with the goal of helping Chinese companies raise their profiles and build international brands. The AEA founding members include:
Mr. Zhu Xinli Chairman Huiyuan Group The largest privately-owned juice producer in China.

Mrs. Dong Mingzhu CEO and Vice Chairwoman Gree Group The world's largest residential air-conditioner manufacturer.

Mr. Ma Weihua President China Merchants Bank The most innovative banking institution in China and the first Chinese bank won US federal approval to open a branch in New York.

Mr. Pony Ma Chairman and CEO Tencents The third largest Internet company in the world (as of November 2010) behind Google and Amazon with a market capitalization of US$38 billion.

Mr. Cao Guowei Chairman and CEO Sina The largest info-entertainment portal in China. It's weibo service has become a social phenomenon with more than 400 million users.

Mrs. Xia Hua Chairwoman Eve Fashion Group The most international Chinese fashion brand, franchise brands includes NottingHill and KevinKelly.

Mr. Lu Zhenggang Chairman Crystal CG Studio The largest creative and animation studio in China, and the official digital imaging service supplier for 2012 London Olympics.

Mr. Liu Jiren Chairman and CEO Neusoft The largest IT solutions & services provider in China, with 20,000 employees and subsidiaries spread across North America, Asia, Europe & Middle East
Register Now
Web Site: http://www.china-enterprise-forum.com/en
Tele From Overseas: +86 10 8599 7383
Tele From China: 400 0800 649
In 2011, China global outbound investment and M&A grows to US$ 43 billion, a 12% growth year over year, compassing energy, mining, agriculture, infrastructure, financial services, auto, luxury brands, high-end manufacturing, pharmaceutics, medical, health care, real estates, and high-end travel properties in 28 fields and 52 countries. At the same time, the assets under management of China Investment Corp (CIC) reaches US$ 400 billion, and China's national foreign-exchange reserve grow to US$ 3.1 trillion, making China the No. 1 in foreign reserve.
With the support from SASAC (State-Owned Assets Administration and Supervision Commission of State Council) and MOFCOM (Ministry of Commerce), China Enterprise Forum will hold 2012 China Global Outbound Investment Summit on June 14-15, at Kerry Hotel in Beijing. The theme of the Summit is "China Capital, Global Growth", where more than 600 distinguished guests and attendees from the government and academia, top 500 China SOE (State Owned Enterprise), financial institutions, investment funds, and private companies, as well as international investment banks, law firms, accounting firms, and other service providers, are expected to discuss topics such as "The Globalization of Chinese Enterprise", "China Banking Support for Outbound Investment & M&A", "Risk and Opportunities in Outbound Investment", "How to build a Global Brand", "Opportunities in G20 Countries", "The Role of Private Equity Funds"
The expected attendees include:
  • 200 Chinese SOEs, Financial Institutions, Investment Funds, and Private Companies that are actively looking for outbound investment opportunities;
  • 100 Outbound Investment Opportunities, from US, EU, Australia, Canada, Russia, South America, Africa, in infrastructure, energy, clean tech, mining, agriculture, financial services, luxury brands, real estates, mobile communications, high tech, pharmaceutics, medical, health care;
  • 100 International Tier 1 investment bank, law firms, accounting firms, consulting companies, public communications companies, and other service providers.
 Summit Partners
   China Enterprise Forum  | Offical Web Site: www.china-enterprise-forum.com/en | Phone:+86 400 0800 649
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邮件ID 686038


第二届 中国海外投资并购全球峰会 | 2012 China Global Outbound Investment Summit
6月14日-15日,北京,嘉里大酒店 | June 14-15, Kerry Hotel, Beijing, China
中国-东盟投资合作基金(简称"CAF") 经中国政府国务院批准,由温家宝总理在博鳌亚洲论坛上宣布成立的,总规模100亿美元,一期投资10亿美元的中国主权财富基金。基金于2010年初开始运作,主要投资于东盟地区的基础设施、能源和自然资源等领域,为中国及东盟地区的优秀企业提供资本支持,并且动用基金的丰富资源为合作企业提升价值。CAF已经投资于老挝最大的钾肥生产企业亚洲钾肥集团有限公司、泰国最大港口 林查班港 、以及柬埔寨光纤通信网络 CFOCN。
朱新礼 汇源果汁 董事长 中国最大的民营饮料企业

董明珠 格力电器 副董事长兼总裁 全球最大的家用空调生产商

马蔚华 招商银行 行长 中国最具创新力的商业银行,最早获准美国联邦政府颁发的银行执照,并在纽约开办中国 第一家商业银行

马化腾 腾讯 董事会主席

曹国伟 新浪 首席执行官兼总裁 中国最大的互联网公司之一,旗下新浪微博拥有4亿用户

夏华 依文集团 董事长 中国最国际化的男装品牌,旗下拥有诺丁山,凯文凯利等国际品牌

卢正刚 水晶石 董事长兼总经理 中国最大的数字媒体设计及制作公司,2008北京奥运会和2012年伦敦奥运会指定数字媒体制作公司

刘积仁 东软集团 董事长兼总裁 中国最大的信息技术外包服务提供商,全球20,000多名员工,业务遍布美洲,亚洲、中东
官网: http://www.china-enterprise-forum.com
咨询电话 中国大陆: 400 0800 649
咨询电话 海外: +86 10 8599 7383
2011年,中国企业海外投资并购207宗,规模约429亿美元,与2010年同期相比,并购规模和金额增长12%。投资并购涉及能源、矿产、基础设施、金融保险、奢侈品、高端制造业、生物医药、高档酒店及房地产等28个领域及52个国家和地区。同时,中国主权投资基金中国投资责任有限公司的基金规模达4,000 亿美元,中国国家外汇储备达 30,000 亿美元
  • 200家具有雄厚资金实力和国际视野的中国企业和投资机构;
  • 100个国际优质投资项目 来自美国、欧盟、澳大利亚、加拿大、俄罗斯、南美、非洲等60个国家的,涉及国际基础设施、能源、新能源、矿产、农业、金融机构、奢侈品、高端酒店及房地产业、高端制造业、移动通讯、高科技、医疗、卫生、保健、医药技术等领域;
  • 100家国际投资银行,律师事务所,会计事务所和咨询公司。
   中国企业全球发展论坛  | 官方网址: www.china-enterprise-forum.com | 咨询电话:+86 400 0800 649
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【2012年全球移动互联网大会,5月10-11日,北京】5,000名行业精英以及企业高管 分享全球移动互联网领域的重大机遇与变革

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Global Mobile Internet Conference
全球移动互联网大会(英文简称:GMIC)是全球顶级的移动互联网行业盛会,由全球移动互联网CEO俱乐部长城会主办,自2009年开始并成功举办三届。大会汇集全球新兴行业精英、探讨行业热点并彼此分享观点、共同推动移动产业向前发展。作为全球地区颇具盛名的行业大会,我们致力于将移动互联网行业的最佳机遇推向国际舞台,始终贯彻 "合作共赢"的办会宗旨。
GMIC 2012 部分确认嘉宾
常小兵 董事长 党组书记 中国联合网络通信集团有限公司   曹国伟 首席执行官兼总裁 新浪   马化腾 主要创办人,首席执行官 腾讯   雷军 CEO 小米科技   薛蛮子 天使投资人
常小兵   曹国伟   马化腾   雷军   薛蛮子
董事长 党组书记
Shainiel Deo CEO Halfbrick, 水果忍者开发商   Fritz Demopolous Founder Queen's Road Capital   王利芬 优米网创始人 著名主持人 优米网   田行智 中国总经理星佳(Zynga)   Narry Singh 执行总裁 Outfit7, 会说话的汤姆猫开发商
Shainiel Deo   Fritz Demopolous   王利芬   田行智   Narry Singh
CEO, Halfbrick
  执行总裁, Outfit7
马上报名 恒知网用户 享受5折优惠 折扣码:HENGZHI
长城会(简称GWC)成立于2008年3月27日,致力于打造全球最有影响力的移动互联 网商务平台。长城会通过发展CEO俱乐部、举办全球移动互联网大会、每月定期组织行业活动、创办移动互联网垂直媒体等方式,推动移动互联网的全球化发展。我们希望做中国连接世界的桥梁,帮助会员和客户发展可信赖的关系网络,传播市场领先的战略与实践,并与之共同成长。
长城会以中国为总部,分别在日本、美国等地建立分支机构,形成了以"中-日-美"为核心的全 球网络,提供从品牌传播、商务拓展到顾问咨询、研究报告的综合服务体系,并凭借本地智慧和全球共享的网络平台,为客户跨区域和细分市场下 的全球化、精细化发展提供强有力的支持。
   恒知网  |  中国新一代商务网络社区  |  网址: www.hengzhi.cc
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New Policies from PBOC, SAFE, CIC, CAF, and other Chinese Banking and Financial Institutions - 2012 China Global Outbound Investment Summit, Kerry Hotel, Beijing, June 7-8th

2012 China Global Outbound Investment Summit
2012 China Global Outbound Investment Summit
June 7 - 8, Kerry Hotel, Beijing
Banking and financial institutions play an important role in Chinese global outbound investment. China's central bank (People's Bank of China), State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), sovereign funds, and commercial banks are rolling out a serials of new policies and platforms, aiming at faciliating China global outbound investment. The Chinese banking and financial institutions to attend 2012 China Global Outbound Investment Summit include:
  People's Bank of China (PBOC)   In March 2012, published "Guidelines for Domestic Banks to Provide RMB Loan Facility for Outbound Investments and Projects"

  State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)   Working with major commercial banks and policy banks to provide USD loan facilities for Chinese companies outbound investments and projects.

  China Investment Corp (CIC)   With US$ 40 billion under management, CIC has established GP/LP or consulting relationships with 100 top private equity funds globally and started invest heavily in infrastructure projects. Invested in British Thames Waters, and plans to invest US$ 3 billion in GDF Suez.

  China Asean Investment Corporation Fund (CAF)   CAF is the Chinese sovereign fund for ASEAN countries, aiming to raise US$ 10 billion with US$ 1 billion closed. CAF has invested in Lao's potash mine Asia Potash Group Company, Tailand's largest port Laemchabang Port, Cambodia's fiber optic network.

  CDB International   Newly established US$ 20 billion international financing entity of China Developmental Bank (CDB), to provide asset management and direct investment services for Chinese companies investing overseas, and international companies gaining access to China market.

  China Merchant Bank   One of the only 4 banks that have the license to provide offshore financing services to Chinese companies listed overseas. More than 80% of the Chinese companies listed on Hong Kong, Nasdaq, NYSE, and other international stock exchanges are CMB clients.

  China MinSheng Bank   Known as the bank of and for Chinese private enterprises, Minsheng Bank was allocated US$ 5 billion by SAFE to provide financing and loan facilities for global outbound investments by Chinese private enterprises.
Register Now Early bird registration 30% OFF before April 27th
Web Site: http://www.china-enterprise-forum.com/en
Tele From Overseas: +86 10 8599 7383
Tele From China: 400 0800 649
In 2011, China global outbound investment and M&A grows to US$ 43 billion, a 12% growth year over year, compassing energy, mining, agriculture, infrastructure, financial services, auto, luxury brands, high-end manufacturing, pharmaceutics, medical, health care, real estates, and high-end travel properties in 28 fields and 52 countries. At the same time, the assets under management of China Investment Corp (CIC) reaches US$ 400 billion, and China's national foreign-exchange reserve grow to US$ 3.1 trillion, making China the No. 1 in foreign reserve.
With the support from SASAC (State-Owned Assets Administration and Supervision Commission of State Council) and MOFCOM (Ministry of Commerce), China Enterprise Forum will hold 2012 China Global Outbound Investment Summit on June 7-8, at Kerry Hotel in Beijing. The theme of the Summit is "China Capital, Global Growth", where more than 600 distinguished guests and attendees from the government and academia, top 500 China SOE (State Owned Enterprise), financial institutions, investment funds, and private companies, as well as international investment banks, law firms, accounting firms, and other service providers, are expected to discuss topics such as "The Globalization of Chinese Enterprise", "China Banking Support for Outbound Investment & M&A", "Risk and Opportunities in Outbound Investment", "How to build a Global Brand", "Opportunities in G20 Countries", "The Role of Private Equity Funds"
The expected attendees include:
  • 200 Chinese SOEs, Financial Institutions, Investment Funds, and Private Companies that are actively looking for outbound investment opportunities;
  • 100 Outbound Investment Opportunities, from US, EU, Australia, Canada, Russia, South America, Africa, in infrastructure, energy, clean tech, mining, agriculture, financial services, luxury brands, real estates, mobile communications, high tech, pharmaceutics, medical, health care;
  • 100 International Top Tier investment bank, law firms, accounting firms, consulting companies, public communications companies, and other service providers.
 Summit Partners
   China Enterprise Forum  | Offical Web Site: www.china-enterprise-forum.com/en | Phone:+86 400 0800 649
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邮件ID 4391693


解读银行及金融机构的海外投资新政策 - 《第二届中国海外投资并购全球峰会》 北京,嘉里大酒店,6月7-8日

第二届 中国海外投资并购峰会 | 2012 China Global Outbound Investment Summit
6月7日-8日,北京,嘉里大酒店 | June 7-8, Kerry Hotel, Beijing, China
国家和银行的金融政策,是支持中国企业海外投资并购的一个重要环节。中国人民银行、外汇管理局、主权投资基金、以及各大商业银行,都针对各自机构的不同特点,推出海外投资并购的新政策和新平台,帮助中国国有企业及民营企业在海外投资并购。参加《2012 中国企业海外投资并购全球峰会》的银行及金融机构包括:
  中国人民银行 2012年3月,发布了《境内银行业金融机构 境外项目人民币贷款》的指导意见。

  外汇管理局 与各大商业及政策性银行合作,为银行企业客户的境外项目提供外汇贷款融资渠道。

  中国投资责任有限公司 与全球100 多个顶级私募基金建立合作或托管机制。5亿美元投资英国泰晤士水务集团8.89%股份,并拟31.5亿美元股权投资法国燃气苏伊士集团旗下从事油气勘探开发和生产业务的子公司30%的股权。

  中国-东盟基金 100亿美金规模,第一期基金10亿美金。已股权投资老挝最大的钾肥企业,泰国最大的港口企业、以及柬埔寨的光纤通讯网络。

  国开金融 新成立的依托国开行的境外投资平台,规模200亿美元,从事直接投资和资产管理业务,利用国开行的品牌和资源,为中资企业"走出去"和海外资本进入中国提供投融资支持。

  招商银行 拥有离岸业务牌照,围绕红筹上市公司金融需求的变化,为红筹上市公司提供上市前、上市后、境内外、本外币、全方位产品服务体系。

  民生银行 2011年得到外汇管理局授信50亿美元额度,用于帮助和扶植中国民营企业海外投资并购。
马上报名 在4月27日前报名享受7折优惠
官网: http://www.china-enterprise-forum.com
咨询电话 中国大陆: 400 0800 649
咨询电话 海外: +86 10 8599 7383
2011年,中国企业海外投资并购207宗,规模约429亿美元,与2010年同期相比,并购规模和金额增长12%。投资并购涉及能源、矿产、基础设施、金融保险、奢侈品、高端制造业、生物医药、高档酒店及房地产等28个领域及52个国家和地区。同时,中国主权投资基金中国投资责任有限公司的基金规模达4,000 亿美元,中国国家外汇储备达 30,000 亿美元
  • 200家具有雄厚资金实力和国际视野的中国企业和投资机构;
  • 100个国际优质投资项目 来自美国、欧盟、澳大利亚、加拿大、俄罗斯、南美、非洲等60个国家的,涉及国际基础设施、能源、新能源、矿产、农业、金融机构、奢侈品、高端酒店及房地产业、高端制造业、移动通讯、高科技、医疗、卫生、保健、医药技术等领域;
  • 100家国际投资银行,律师事务所,会计事务所和咨询公司。
   中国企业全球发展论坛  | 官方网址: www.china-enterprise-forum.com | 咨询电话:+86 400 0800 649
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邮件ID 4649488


【构建PE新秩序】2012 ChinaVenture 中国投资年会,2012年4月27日,上海金茂君悦大酒店 | To Reshape PE Landscape, 2012 ChinaVenture Investment Conference, 27 April 2012, Grand Hyatt Shanghai

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2012 ChinaVenture 中国投资年会·上海
2012 ChinaVenture中国投资年会 · 上海
构建PE新秩序 To Reshape PE Landscape
2012 ChinaVenture 中国投资年会·上海将延续过往五年中对中国股权投资行业的冷静思考,并依据机构调研与详实数据,进行ChinaVenture 2011年度最佳创业投资机构、2011年度最佳私募股权投资机构、2011年度最佳新型投资银行、2011年度投资人物等行业重要奖项的评选,冀以公正的结果真实记录2011年的中国股权投资行业。以思想的交流与碰撞,探寻中国行业标杆的视野与足迹。
马上报名 恒知网用户 9 折优惠 折扣码: HENGZHI
梁信军  副董事兼首席执行官 复星集团   阎焱 首席合伙人 赛富基金   单祥双 董事长兼总裁 中科招商   胡章宏 总裁 建银国际   陈浩 君联资本 首席投资官
梁信军   阎焱   单祥双   胡章宏   陈浩
周志雄 创始管理合伙人 凯旋创投   邓锋 创始人兼董事总经理 北极光创投   章苏阳 合伙人 IDG资本   刘昼 创始合伙人、董事长 达晨创投   郑伟鹤 董事长 同创伟业
周志雄   邓锋   章苏阳   刘昼   郑伟鹤
黄晶生 合伙人 德太集团(TPG)   冯涛 主管合伙人 永宣投资   许小林 总经理 建银国际财富   廉洁 合伙人 春华资本   唐葵 总裁/合伙人 方源资本
黄晶生   冯涛   许小林   廉洁   唐葵
周炜 主管合伙人 凯鹏华盈   田立新 创始合伙人 德同资本   甘剑平 主管合伙人 启明创投   沈敬武 资深合伙人 汇睿资本   蔡蕾 合伙人暨董事总经理 九鼎投资
周炜   田立新   甘剑平   沈敬武   蔡蕾
   恒知网  |  中国新一代商务网络社区  |  网址: www.hengzhi.cc
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