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【《昨日辉煌》中国首发】《世界是平的》作者 托马斯·弗里德曼 见面会,9月7日,上海外滩三号 | “That Used to Be US" China Book Launch - Meet Thomas L. Friedman, Author of "The World is Flat", September 7, Three On The Bund, Shanghai

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Meet Thomas L. Friedman 《世界是平的》作者 托马斯·弗里德曼见面会,9月7日,上海外滩三号
Keynote Speaker:
Thomas L.Friedman
Three time Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and author
of New York Times bestseller "The World is Flat"
September 7th, 2012, Three On The Bund, Shanghai
In "That Used to Be Us", Thomas L. Friedman and leading foreign policy thinker Michael Mandelbaum, analyze the greatest challenges facing America today - globalization, the revolution in information technology, the nation's chronic deficits, and its pattern of energy consumption - and spell out what Americans need to do now to rediscover their identity and rise to this moment.
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